Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hello October     

     It’s Thursday, October 2, 2014. I have no idea why I wrote that last sentence. It seems redundant
since this blog has a date and time stamp (smh). I will pretend I wrote it because it’s been so long since the last entry.
     I decided today that I would write (or "type" for all you literalist). It’s funny because I write almost every day, but never with the intent to simply jot down thoughts, feelings, and doings. So, today will not include a special message or something to tie it all together (not that anyone’s listening anyway…jk). I just wanted to write because sometimes you need to get things outside of your mind and onto paper….or in my case a blog.
     I’m excited for this next season in life. I can’t remember the last time I was so excited to enter into a new season where I completely relied upon God’s leading. Well, maybe I can remember the last time, but this is significantly different than that since my previous experience included uprooting my family and job and all that good stuff (I’m still in therapy for that). I will say that it has it’s challenges since I’ve never started something from scratch. I’ve always been good at modifying other’s preexisting programs. This isn’t a program, but it is something new. I love having the freedom to do what I feel God has designed me to do. I love having the support from my family and my team. I love the unknown because that’s where God has done the most work in my life. I expect He will do the same thing this time around.
     Today also marks the first week of playoff baseball. On Tuesday the Kansas City Royals played the Oakland A’s in one of the longest and most exciting wild card games I’d seen in a very long time. However, it was followed up yesterday by a game that barely kept my attention (Giants vs. Pirates). Needless to say I’m very excited because it’s my favorite time of the year.
     It’s Fall, which usually means cooler weather, it’s playoff baseball and the Dodgers are in the hunt for a World Series, football season is already five weeks in and my Chiefs just came off a great win against the Patriots. Oh, and some of the shows we like to watch are back on the air so there’s that too (Survivor anyone?). But it’s not just that. There’s much more that I like about this time of year. It means that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. My little girl will be two! It’s pretty crazy for me to think about that one. My 14th anniversary being married to my amazing wife is coming up, and then for Christmas our plan is to visit some family that we don’t get to see too often. I’d say I’m pretty excited.
     But what I’m most excited about is that I’m learning that God has given me a space. As a matter of fact, I’ve realized that He’s taken me there quite often. I just hadn’t noticed. It’s a place where He reminds me of things I don’t remember or sometimes He reminds me of things I have a hard time believing (anyone else or is that just me?).
     Psalm 18:19 says, “He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.” This passage has been on my mind for about a month now. I’ve experienced this numerous times and each time I’ve learned a little more about God and a little more about me. This next season of life has me so excited because I not only get to experience this again, but even better, I get to invite people into that place and watch what God will do. I’m grateful He wants to use me and I’m humbled that He believes in me. My hope is to offer people wide-open opportunities, to create a large space for people to see, hear and taste that the Lord is good. And maybe they’ll see they’re loved, that they’ve been redeemed, and that He actually takes great delight in them.

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