I met someone Monday that left an imprint on me. I found myself enthralled as they shared some stories about how God had used them in so many amazing ways. One story included them going up to a random stranger because the Holy Spirit told them to share the gospel of Jesus. Reluctantly they went and after several interactions with this stranger, both bawled their eyes in the middle of the produce section at Albertson’s as this stranger was led to Christ.
There was another story they shared about a vision she had of a lamb falling and injuring itself severely. Immediately this person sprung up and began to pray for their pastor. Unbeknownst to them about 10 minutes later they receive a phone call from a friend at church that their pastor has severely broken his neck and is being air lifted to Loma Linda Medical Center. They prognosis was bad, but initiated by that vision and through the power of prayer God healed this pastor even though the doctors didn’t think it would happen.
This person kept telling me story after story. I never thought the stories would end. And in a way I didn’t want them to end. But what amazed me about this individual was not the miraculous ways in which God used them. No, what amazed me was their excitement and passion and infectious love for Jesus.
So, the first thing I asked myself when I left that meeting was, “Is that how people feel after they’ve spoken with me?”
Honestly, I know the answer. But what’s the solution?
I left that meeting thinking, “How can I be more like this person?” All they did was tell stories. They didn’t exegete a text in Scripture. They didn’t contrast two opposing theologies or use some apologetic strategy to appeal to my interest or sway me to believe a certain way. All I knew is that they knew Jesus. All I knew was that this person truly knew their Father in Heaven. It was evident that this person had a great affection for their God. And all I could think about was how infectious it was. I kept thinking about how my life would look if my affection for him were only a fraction of theirs.
I was moved by this person and their stories. But what moved me the most was their passionate excitement and tender affection for the God who saves; for the God who loves; for the God who redeems. And what I noticed about this child of God was that she emulated that same saving grace, unfailing love, and redemptive compassion that their Father possess. It was truly like speaking to one of His own.
John 13:35