Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Character Counts

It seems like the more I learn about the character in others it reveals more about my own. This isn't a judgmental post, but more of an inward reflection. I started this blog to figure out someway to pour out on paper, or in this case electronic paper, thoughts about my life and the what God is teaching me. I know some of my posts tend to be rants more than reflections, but who asked you anyway? (I kid, I kid!) That being said, one of the things I've been learning more than any other subject in the last few years has been the topic of character; yours, mine, God's. Here's what I've learned so far regarding the first two:

Yours: It's masked well, but much is revealed through conversation and attitude.
Mine: Unfortunately it's like an on/off switch....that's broken. I'm working hard at trying to figure out the wiring because I keep experiencing short circuits.

The two are very similar. One is just easier to detect than the other. As most of us know when you get to know another person you begin to establish assumptions about one another. You know what they might say, how they might think, and what they might do in situations because you've spent time with them. You've learned their methods. You've learn their style. You've learned their consistencies (good and bad). The more time you spend with them the more likely it is for you to think about them when you are away from them. I'm not only talking about significant others, but friends in general do this as well. As we learn more about one another, we discover the true character of the person. As we know more about one another, some of us begin to hold on another in high esteem. Why? Well, I think it's because we admire them. Maybe we even want to be like them. Why? Maybe because there is something different about them that we wish was evident in our own.

When I think about how much time I might spend with an individual for these reasons, I I desire that same amount of time with God? Have I spent the time truly getting to know God and His character. I realize from experience with my friends that I can't know God's character without first spending time learning about Him. I would probably take it even one step further. Like the knowledge we gain about our friends and the admiration that follows, I believe that the only reason we worship God is due the knowledge we have of Him. Without knowledge of God, without the pursuit and study of his character and nature, without time spent getting to know how great and awesome He truly is, I can't worship Him. I won't worship Him.

It saddens me to think that there have been times in my life where I've stopped. There have been moments in my life where I've sat idle in my study of God thinking I was worshiping Him with all of my mind when I really wasn't. I thought I was, but I look back now and see that I was just going through the motions.

I realize that this post started off about character and has now ended up on the topic of worship, but hopefully you can see the direct correlation between the two. I honestly believe you can't have one without the pursuit of the other.

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